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The currency trading business has always been, and will always be, a risky one! It does not matter whether the transactions are being conducted from the comfort of one's home, or from a legitimate office--a study of market trends and organizations as well as the factors impacting prices, is advisable at the outset. After all, no one enters the trading arena with a desire to end up on the losing side!

Take a look at all the various components of currency trading--

(1) Names like Forex, Foreign Exchange, FX and Currency Exchange are quite familiar, but very few are aware of what they actually represent. To put it simply, they all deal with currency trading, that is, one currency being exchanged for another.

(2) Where the lending rate of a particular currency is concerned, it is decided by the central bank of that country. This is an overnight value. Should the interest rates go down, the currency's value also lowers.

To counteract this, a process called "carry-trade" is put into action. Here, currencies going at lower interest rates are sold and currencies with higher interest rates are bought in their place. If the rate of interest is higher, naturally the value of a particular currency also goes up!

(3) The prices of various currencies are affected by different factors, a few of which can be inflation, industrial production and unemployment. These are known as macroeconomic factors. A poor economy leads to a high rate of unemployment. Along with depreciating the value of the currency, it also causes geopolitical events.

The trading community looks towards the economic data analysis to decide which market positions will bring in profits. So any information related to macroeconomic factors can be found from the analysis.

(4) The major people involved in currency trading include--financial markets, governments, financial institutions, multinational corporations, central banks and large banks.

A smaller percentage includes retail traders or small speculators. But they are not directly involved in this trade; they interact via banks or brokers. Unfortunately, they become the main targets whenever a Forex scam erupts!

Last, but not the least, are the individual investors. If they are not careful, they can be taken for a ride by people putting forward different trading schemes. They are easily taken in by the fact that foreign exchange markets promise great profits if handled properly.

(5) What does one do in currency trade?

The mechanics involved in FX are almost the same as those in other trade markets. It is actually quite a simple process, once the investor and trader get the hang of it.

Quote currencies are displayed in pairs, such as--EUR/USD, USD/JPY, and so on. The first listed currency (base currency) is the foundation for selling or buying. The second listed currency is the counter currency (quote).

To illustrate with an example, say the listed pair is EUR/USD. Euros are being bought while dollars are being sold--both at the same time. So if the value of the Euro goes up, the value of the US dollar is also bound to go up. What is to be kept in mind here is that foreign exchange takes place on the basis of lots, that is, 100,000 base currency units.

(6) There is another terminology that makes the rounds in this arena--trade volumes. The frequency with which any product is sold or bought, determines its liquidity in the market. This is what is meant by trade volumes.

(7) There are many reasons for currency trading to achieve this sort of popularity--

(a) This is the most liquid market in the world today, since it enables quick selling and quick buying of any particular item. Thus, major price rises or price falls cannot affect the commodity. Also, its own price will not fluctuate so much. FX is a reference to market liquidity. The biggest advantage is being able to conduct transactions via the Internet from home.

(b) If the trader is sharp enough, he/she can dispose off the currency pair that has the possibility of undergoing a reduction in value, before anything else. This ensures definite profits.

(c) FX has other features like--lengthened trading hours, going up to 24 hours a day on weekdays (weekends are not included); geographical dispersion; plenty of traders and varied types; and different factors that have an impact on exchange rates.

(8) As far as the trade business is concerned, a currency exchange or foreign exchange market is viewed as the largest global market; it trades cash values.

Currency trading is dependent on a set price that is named as exchange rate. It is beset with risks, but if the game is played correctly, can yield huge profits too! Ultimately, it all depends on the investor!


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