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Medical malpractice laws in New York are customized to parameters based on a cross-section of judgments in such cases over the years. The unique social and economic environment in the state has made it necessary to include amendments that take the fair interests of both medical professionals and possible claimants into account.

For instance, in New York, hospitals cannot be sued for medical malpractice in cases applicable to medical professionals who are not members of their own staff. Expert witnesses for testifying in medical cases may not be called upon to identify themselves, though their bona fides will have to be established beyond doubt. This is a rider that is peculiar to New York, as are many other aspects of medical malpractice laws. For further instance, unlike in Texas law, the state does not impose a ceiling on how much a plaintiff can claim in the form of damages.

This being the case, an effective medical malpractice lawyer in New York must obviously be finely attuned to and knowledgeable about the local laws in this field. They are not exactly helped by the fact that the fees they charge are strictly governed by statutory limitations - they can charge no more than 30% of the initial $250,000 in recovered damages, and their income decreases by 5% with every additionally recovered sum of $250,000.

In connection with the N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 3045 (McKinney 1991) ruling, medical malpractice lawyers in New York are also involved in arbitration between defendants and claimants. This ruling allows a medical practitioner who has been sued for medical malpractice damages to negotiate with the claimants. Ensuring that the final sum is fair and sufficiently compensatory to their clients is another vital function that New York malpractice lawyers fulfill.


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