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You never know when and who would need help from a credit card debt consolidation program. Sometimes unexpected circumstances can lead to financial difficulties which in turn 

would lead you to consider consolidating your debts. Some of these circumstances are loss of job, loss in business, death of an earning member and so on. If you are finding 

it hard to pay off your credit card loans, then it is wise to consider consolidating your debt. This is much better than bankruptcy. This article will help you with steps in 

finding the right program, make you aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these programs so you can decide whether consolidating your credit card loan is the best 

option for you or not.

Basics of Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation is a big loan that will pay off your credit card loans. There are several ways these programs work. The most popular way is to take one lump sum amount of 

money from you (the borrower) and distribute it to your credit card companies (the lenders). All your loans will be consolidated into one payment usually withdrawn directly 

from your bank on a fixed date every month. These programs make the card holders life easier.

As a general rule, if you have many credit cards from different companies with high interest rates, then debt consolidation can help you manage your debt with only one bill 

and much lower APRs. These companies negotiate a lower interest rate for you and this can save a lot of money in the long run. This will work out in your favor if you have 

credit cards with APRs of around 30% because these programs can reduce these interest rates to between 12% - 18%. These programs require a monthly administration fees, which 

is usually around and this will come off your savings. Remember if the admin fee does not come off your savings, then it is not a good idea to sign up for a debt 

consolidation program.

So it looks like everything about the credit card debt consolidation is positive. Well, it is not always the case. There are a few advantages and also disadvantages of these 

programs. You have to find a balance between them. The fact is that these programs do help you in paying off your credit card loan. Here are some advantages and disadvantages 

of these programs.


1. Decreased payment amounts: The monthly payments will be less than what you were paying before debt consolidation because you are paying off the loan over a longer 


2. Simpler to manage: After you signup for a program, you will have a relief from reading your credit card statements, deciding how much to pay for each credit card and then 

making the payments one by one. Usually, the company will withdraw the money directly from the bank and you will not have to be concerned about late payments.

3. Decreased interest rates: This is one of the major advantages for many credit card owners. Some of these companies bring down the interest rates much lower than the 

current ones. This can save lots of money for you.

4. Debt Management tips: Many of the good companies give lots of free tips on managing your debt. They draw out a plan on debt management. These tips are invaluable. They 

even mail out booklets on debt management.


1. Lower FICO scores: Many experts debate that debt consolidation does not have any effect on credit (FICO) scores the fact is that this has a negative effect on the credit 

scores. Enrolling in such programs will always be reflected in your credit history. Most credit repair companies mention that it is difficult to increase your credit score if 

you are currently working with a debt consolidation program. Your credit scores can be raised after you have paid off the loans and are not currently enrolled in any of these 

programs. Even if you can remove one credit card from the program that can help you increase your credit scores.

2. Higher Payment: Since your payments are made over a longer duration of time i.e. in more number of the years, then you will end up paying more in the long run. One way to 

prevent this is - if your financial situation has improved, then you can pay off larger sum of money. Most of times there will be no penalty for paying off the debt sooner 

than the agreed number of months. Before enrolling in a credit card debt consolidation program, you can confirm if there is a penalty or not for paying off the debt sooner 

than the agreed number of months.

3. Credit cards inactivation: If a credit card payment is enrolled in such a program, then that particular card account will be inactivated. i.e., that credit card can no 

longer be used.

4. Negative Impact on Future Loans: Once you have enrolled in a credit card debt consolidation program, this will remain in your credit history. So, all future loan requests 

new credit card applications, home loan, car (automobile) loans etc. will involve references to your debt consolidation. i.e., the lender will have knowledge about your 

participation in debt consolidation program. Some people are very uncomfortable about this but it is up to you decide. Your credit history is a private record and will be 

provided by credit score companies only on a need-to-know basis. If you apply for home loan, then the chances of getting rejected is higher and if you get accepted, then 

mortgage broker will ask for explanation. Again all these conversations are kept confidential.

So, the question is - when should you consider a credit card debt consolidation? If you are paying high interest rates around 30% on a credit card, you have many credit 

cards, you are unable to make payments or your are barely able to make just the minimum monthly payments, you are finding it difficult to manage all the payments etc., you 

must consider signing up for a credit card debt consolidation program. After reading through the advantages and disadvantages mentioned earlier, make decision about signing 

up or not signing up for such a program.

How to find a good debt consolidation program / company?

Signing up with the right debt consolidation program is critical for saving money and successfully consolidating your debt. There are a good number of scams in this business 

so it is in your best interest to proceed cautiously to prevent being victim of a scam. Here are some very good sources of finding the right program.

1. References from friends and relatives: It is best to ask your trusted friends if they have any recommendations for reliable program i.e., if they have enrolled in one of 

these or know of anyone who enrolled in one and is satisfied. As mentioned before, there are many scams and so with this option, you can feel safe. This should be your first 


2. Television advertisements: Most of big and established companies run advertisements on TV. These are companies that have a lot of experience and have been successful with 

debt consolidation. But it is a wise thing to research the company. Look for their website and check for their standing in Better Business Bureau (BBB) and must have been in 

existence for a few years. Also, search website for this company - this website where victims of scams post their experiences.

3. Mails: When you are unable to payoff debt on time, you will receive mails from some companies that will offer help with consolidating your credit card debt. These 

companies have permission to access some of your basic information. The good thing here is that your fit their profile of their clients and that is why you received a mail 

with their credit card debt consolidation services. As mentioned earlier, research these companies using the same methods described above.

4. Telemarketing phone calls: Typically, telemarketing phone calls that you get is because your debt situation is such that it fits the requirement of their clients. If you 

receive a phone call, remember to never enroll in the first phone call. Note down all the details of this company such as the websites, contact person and phone number to 

call. Research the company extensively as mentioned above.

5. Online Research: Research the internet for good credit card debt consolidation companies both non-profit and profit companies. Once you create a list of possible 

companies, research the companies extensively. Talk to these companies until you are comfortable about enrolling with them.

For a few months or years, if you can handle the disadvantages of these programs, then enroll in a program. Credit card debt consolidation can get you out of your current 

debt problems and save you a lot of money by lowering your interest rates but if you do not spend judiciously, then you will be back into the same debt problems and this 

cycle will never end. So the long term solution to debt problems is to change your spending habits and live slightly below your means. Remember you need to manage the money / 

debt and NOT let the money / debt manage you.


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