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Just as it is a known fact that having insurance for our autos is mandatory and important, so also over-insuring them would be undesirable and a total waste of resources. In addition, putting price first when deciding on the type of auto insurance policy to opt for wouldn't be the best but however, there is the need to keep our auto insurance rate at the barest minimum in order to have savings which could be spent on other financial commitments. This article is therefore meant to give out tips on how to keep our auto insurance rates down and these are as follows:

Keeping It Down From The Outset

One of the ways to keep auto insurance rate down is initiating it at the point of vehicle acquisition. When deciding on the kind of car to acquire, buy a car that is in the favored list of most auto insurance companies. The ones in their favored list will be those that are not prone to theft and problems, most insurers are very conversant with such cars, so try to avoid this if you can, because it could attract high rate.

Know The Basic Policy And Avoid Unnecessary Coverage

The minimum requirement of auto insurance policy in most state is liability coverage (know the one that apply in your environment) and this might just be exactly what you need. For instance, you may not need both comprehensive and collision coverages if your car has no much value or if such car won't cost much to replace or repair. More so, towing and labor would be unnecessary if you can adequately take care of that. Avoid rental reimbursement since you can always make do with alternatives. In other words, avoid coverages that can not give value for money spent.

Ask For Available Discount From Your Insurer

Auto insurance companies do have variety of discounts, some of which may include discounts associated with cars with safety and anti-theft devices, accident-free driving, short-mileage or not driving often, insuring more than one car, etc. All you need do is ask your insurer of all available discounts, note the ones that apply to you and take advantage of such.

Drive Carefully To Have Good Driving Record

Most auto insurance companies are not comfortable with reckless and accident-prone drivers and they exhibit this through high auto insurance rate, conversely, someone with safe driving history would stand a chance of enjoying low rate.

Increase Your Deductible

Deductible is that money you pay out-of-pocket before your insurer share of cost kicks in and this, mostly applies to holders of comprehensive and collision coverages. This will become more effective if you have safe driving record and probably not driving too often. Paying high deductible will of course lower your auto insurance rate

Know Your Other Insurance Policies

Be conscious of other insurance policies if you have any, to avoid overlapping of policies which could cost more. For instance homeowners and comprehensive health insurance policy may also cover damages arising from auto accident, therefore you need to know what each of all your insurance policies cover.

Good Credit Score

Your auto insurance rate could also be determined by your credit score. Most insurers make use of credit data during evaluation, try to maintain a good credit.


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